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​Deformable solar cell can fold to 2cm×2cm×2cm cube, in which it could be and transform to wristband or cylinder for convenience in usage.

Solar panels has the capability to transform natural light can be charged by natural light emitted from the sun into energy source. Because of this The most advantage of sun’s power is that it allowed the renewable energy from charging unique feature it can be charged anywhere as long as the sun’s ray is present; namely,  the sun's ray are present: in cafes, on a train, , and in or in a car for example. To charge the energy into the foldable solar panel, When charging, unfold this solar cell cube to be and the shape will be deformable flat-shaped to be ready for charging. When finish charging, the solar cell It can easily be folded into a wristband to wear as an accessory, or to put on a desk or anywhere for convenience to use as a portable battery charger. The A folded solar cell is conducive produced mainly for the purpose of convenient travel kit size portable battery easy travel and  user-friendly battery for unlimited renewable energy storage and the same time, thus allowing allows for maximum maximum electrical power storage and consumption, not to mention the fashionable usage of the solar cell.

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